Barnevelder Australian Standards

This is a page compiled from extracts from the Australian Poultry Standards 2nd Edition.

Carriage Alert, upright and well balanced. The body appearing compact, and the back line concave.
Body: Body of medium length, deep and broad shoulders and high-set saddle
Breast: Breast and rump deep, broad and full
Wings: Wings are rather short and carried high
Tail: Tail full, with graceful and uniform sweeps
Head: Head is carried high with neat skull
Comb: Comb is single and upright, of medium size and well serrated, with a firm base, heel of the blade to follow the neck
Eyes: Eyes are very bold, bright and prominent
Beak: Beak is short and full
Face: Face is smooth and as free from feathers as possible
Earlobes: Earlobes are long
Wattles: The wattles are of medium size
Neck Fairly long and carried erect.
Legs and Feet
Thighs and Shanks of medium length to give symmetry
Shanks and Feet free from feathers
Toes four straight toes, well spread
Plumage Fairly tight and of good texture.
The general characteristics are similiar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.

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